Who I am and What I do

Who I am


health economist


program manager

Where I’m from

Los Angeles, CA

Population: 3,849,297

Median household income: $69,778

Poverty: 16.6%

Where I am now

How did I get here?

How did I “really” get here?

Mentors , Family/Friends , & Mission/Purpose

If you feel lost , that’s okay

How I started








What I do

What I “actually” do

VA Health Economics Resource Center

VA HERC home page

VA HERC - CEA of opioid use disorder treatments

JAMA Psychiatry. 2021;78(7):767-777.

VA HERC - Economics of opioid overdose

Paper is in peer review

VA San Diego Healthcare System

“The EDPP has proven to be not only cost saving for our medical center but also invaluable as a means of improving patient care and minimizing medication errors in the ED. More importantly, the EDPP has become a critical element in validating and demonstrating the value of the pharmacist as a member of the health care team.”

AJHP. 2009;66(21):1943-1947.

VA Pharmacy Benefits Management Academic Detailing Services

VA PBM ADS home page

Government Accountability Office report (GA-18-380)

“GAO is making five recommendations to VHA, including that it document actions and develop measurable outcomes related to its OSI goals, ensure that providers are adhering to opioid risk mitigation strategies, and ensure that all its regional networks have implemented academic detailing programs and that all VHA medical facilities have a designated primary care pain champion, as required.”

GAO-18-380 Report

UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences

UCSD homepage

Extended cost-effectiveness analysis

“The overall aim of this pilot project is to identify strategies of distributing naloxone among a population of opioid users in the US that would maximize the equity and financial risk protection benefits.”

Mission - UCI

Oath of the Pharmacist

What are your mission, purpose, and vision?

People With Purpose

Who I am and What I do