We want to merge the Full-Year Consolidated Data file with the Medical Conditions file so that we can identify patients with a diagnosis of diabetes.
Load MEPS data
We need to lead the MEPS Full-Year Consolidated Data file and the
Medical Conditions file from 2020. There are two methods to loading MEPS
data into R. Method 1 requires you to know the name of the file. For
example, the Medical Conditions file from 2020 is named
. In Method 2, you need to know the type =
of data you want to load. For example, the Medical Conditions file is
I like to work with column names that are in the lower case, so I
used the tolower
function to change the column names from
upper case to lower case.
### Load the MEPS package
library("MEPS") ## You need to load the library every time you restart R
#### Method 1: Load data from AHRQ MEPS website
hc2020 = read_MEPS(file = "h224")
mc2020 = read_MEPS(file = "h222")
#### Method 2: Load data from AHRQ MEPS website
hc2020 = read_MEPS(year = 2020, type = "FYC")
mc2020 = read_MEPS(year = 2020, type = "CONDITIONS")
## Change column names to lowercase
names(hc2020) <- tolower(names(hc2020))
names(mc2020) <- tolower(names(mc2020))
Merge MEPS data
Now that we have both the h224
and h222
file loaded into R, we can marge these files together. The Full-Year
Consolidated Data file contains unique patients (e.g., each row is a
unique patient); hence, the unique identifier dupersid
not repeatable. Figure 1 illustrates an example of a table with each row
as a unique subject. Note how the dupersid
does not
Figure 1 - Example table with unique patients.
However, in the Medical Conditions file, the rows are for the number
of unique diagnosis grouped by the patient. In other words, the Medical
Conditions file will contain repeated dupersid
for each
diagnosis. For example, a person can have 5 diagnosis grouped by their
. In Figure 2, we have an example table with a
subject dupersid = 12345
who has five diagnosis
Figure 2 - Example table where the unique patient identifier repeats.
When we merge the Full-Year Consolidated Data file (which is unique
to the dupersid
) with the Medical Conditions file (which
has repeatable dupersid
), we will merge using a 1 to many
merge (Figure 3a
). Figure 3a
illustrates the
merge between the unique subject-level table to the repeatable
subject-level table.
Figure 3a - Merging tables (1 to many).
But we also want to make sure that we include all the patients in the
Full-Year Consolidated Data file. Not all patients will have a
diagnostic code, so we need to be careful that we don’t accidentally
drop them from the query. Figure 3b
illustrates our
intention to merge all the data from the Full-Year Consolidated Data
file with some of the data from the Medical Conditions file.
Figure 3b - Merging tables with all patients in the Full-Year Consolidated Data file and some of the data from the Medical Conditions file.
Now that we understand how we want to merge the data, we can proceed to write the code.
There are two methods to merge the data files.
Method 1: We use the merge
function to
merge the two MEPS data files. The by =
option is where we
enter the matching variable dupersid
. We will call the
merged data set total
. Using the `merge
function, we are telling R that we want to do a 1 to many match between
the Full-Year Consolidated Data file and the Medical Conditions file
using the dupersid
as the matching variable. We have to
include the all.x = TRUE
argument because we want to make
sure we include the patients without any diagnostic codes.
## MERGE data - Medical conditions and household component
# merge two data frames by ID; there are two methods to do this:
#### Method 1: Native R function; Note: all.x means that we pull all dupersid, even the ones that don't have a medical condition)
total <- merge(hc2020, mc2020, by = "dupersid", all.x = TRUE)
Method 2: We use the left_join
from the dplyr
package to merge the two MEPS data files.
The by =
option is where we enter the matching variable
. We will call the merged data set
. Using the left_join
function, we are
telling R that we want to do a 1 to many match between the Full-Year
Consolidated Data file and the Medical Conditions file using the
as the matching variable. The
function is based on the SQL language syntax and
operates in the same manner.
#### Method 2: Use SQL syntax (left_join)
total <- left_join(hc2020, mc2020, by = "dupersid")
Once the two data files are merged, we will have a data frame with
repeatable dupersid
. Notice that the totexp20
variable from Table A is merged along with the icd10
variable from Table B.
Figure 4 - Merging data from Table A to Table B.
Reduce dataframe to a few variables
Our total
dataframe has 1481 variables and 80,802
observations. We want to make this dataframe manageable, so we’ll create
a limited dataframe with only the variables we’re interested in. To do
this, we’ll use the subset()
For this exercise, we’ll keep the dupersid
, varsry.x
, perwt20f.x
and icd10cdx
variables by using the subset()
function. We’ll call our reduced dataframe keep_mep2
(Note: The *.x
indicates the table on the left. We want to
keep the varpsu
, varstr
, and
from the hc2020
table. The
table has duplicate variables that are denoted by
keep_meps2 <- subset(total, select = c("dupersid", "varpsu.x", "varstr.x", "perwt20f.x", "icd10cdx"))
Add an indicator for a specific ICD10 diagnostic code
Our data frame has multiple rows grouped by the patient’s id
); these rows are based on the various ICD-10
diagnostic codes. For example, patient 12345
has 5 ICD-10
diagnostic codes; hence, they have 5 rows (Figure 4
Suppose we want to generate a binary indicator to identify patients
with an ICD-10 diagnosis for diabetes (E11
). In our example
(Figure 4
), patient 12345
has an ICD10 code
for diabetes (E11
We can create an indicator variable that will be unique to the
patient for having diabetes. What we want to see if a new variable that
identifies a patients with the specific ICD-10 code of interest.
Figure 5
illustrates the indicator variable for diabetes as
an additional column diabetes_indicator
Figure 5 - Indicator variable for diabetes.
We create the indicator and call it diabetes
, which is
defined as icd10cdx == "E11"
. We will code this as
for no diabetes and 1
for diabetes. Then, we
count the number of time a patient as E11
in their
column. I added the following option to the code
) because I want to make sure that
all patients in the total
table that do not have an ICD-10
code for E11
is coded as 0
. There may be some
patients that have NA
or missing data in the
variable. If the icd10cdx
value is
, this may not be coded with a 0
. Hence, we
have to add the |$icd10cdx
code to ensure that
we get a value of 0
## Change to unique subject (each row is a unique subject)
#### Generate a variable to identify diabetes diagnosis for repeated rows
library("tidyverse") ## Load tidyverse
keep_meps2$diabetes[total$icd10cdx != "E11" |$icd10cdx)] = 0
keep_meps2$diabetes[total$icd10cdx == "E11"] = 1
table(keep_meps2$diabetes) ## Visualize the number of patients with diabetes and no diabetes
## 0 1
## 87345 2693
### This code chunk calculates the number of times E11 appears for a unique patient
keep_meps2 <- keep_meps2 %>%
group_by(dupersid) %>%
mutate(diabetes_indicator = sum(diabetes == "1", na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
## 0 1 2
## 71804 17295 939
According to our results, there were 17,295 events where a patient
had one diagnostic code for E11
and 939 events where a
patient had two diagnostic codes for E11
. How did this
occur? MEPS public files only list the first three digits of the ICD-10
code to protect the identity of the patient. The ICD-10 diagnostic code
has more digits beyond the first three. For example, an ICD-10 diagnosis
for Type 2 diabetes with diabetic chronic kidney disease is
. Hence, there will be patients with unique ICD-10
codes that may appear identical because only the first three digits are
present in the MEPS public files.
In our example, we have patients with 1 and 2 ICD-10 diagnostic codes
for E11
. We would like to create a binary indicator of
diabetes, so we need to take the current information and transform the
variable diabetes
in the keep_meps
into a new variable that only has 0
and 1
We can do this by combining the mutate
function with the
function. See the code below:
keep_meps2 <- keep_meps2 %>%
group_by(dupersid) %>%
mutate(diabetes_binary = ifelse(diabetes_indicator >= 1, 1, 0), na.rm = TRUE) %>%
## 0 1
## 71804 18234
Now, we have a new binary indicator variable. The
variable is coded 1
if the
patient has the E11
diagnostic code and 0
the patient does not.
Collapse dataframe to a single unique patient
But since this is a dataframe with duplicated patients, we want to collapse this into a dataframe where each row is a single unique patient.
Since a lot of the variables in the dataframe are the same when
grouped by the unique dupersid
, we can estimate the mean
and get the same value. For example, let’s look at Figure 5
again. For dupersid == 12345
, there are five values for
, which are:
, and5000
Averaging the totexp20
dupersid == 12345
will result in a value of
Hence, when we average the diabetes diabetes_binary
variable, we will get a value of 1
or 0
Using this knowledge, we can collapse our data to a single
and remove the duplicates.
The icd10cdx
variable will yielded NA
because it can’t be collapsed numerically due to its string
data type.
There are two methods to collapse the dataframe to unique patients:
Method 1: Use the dplyr
package and the
function with the list()
#### Collapse the repeated rows to a single unique subject
meps_per <- keep_meps2 %>%
group_by(dupersid) %>%
## 0 1
## 25202 2603
Method 2: Use the summarise
This method will generate a dataframe with two variables
and diabetes_binary2
meps_per2 <- keep_meps2 %>% ### An alternative method but only generates two variables (dupersid and diabetes_binary2)
group_by(dupersid) %>%
summarise(diabetes_binary2 = mean(diabetes_binary)) %>%
## 0 1
## 25202 2603
For the rest of the tutorial, I’ll use Method 1 because I want to keep the other variables.
Figure 6
illustrates what our dataframe should look like
after we collapsed the data to a single unique patient.
Figure 6 - Collapse rows to a unique patient with a diabetes indicator.
With this tutorial, we’ve learned how to merge two data files from MEPS and collapse them to a dataframe of unique patients. MEPS has additional data files that contain information that might be important for your work. For example, we can use these methods to merge the Prescription Drug file and create indicators for patients who are on opioids. However, you will need to carefully read through the documentation for each data file to understand what kind of information they contain. Feel free to explore using these strategies to merge additional MEPS data files to your existing cohort.
There are a lot of tutorials on how to use MEPS data with R. I found the AHRQ MEPS GitHub page to be an invaluable resource.
David Ranzolin has a
great presentation
on how to use the mutate
function in R. I liked the
examples he used, and the presentation is succint and informative.
Another great resource is by Joachim Schork, author and founder of Statistics Globe who wrote a great blog about collapsing data on a unique identifier.
I learned how to use the left_join
function from this blog
by Sharon
Machlis on InfoWorld. She
uses dplyr
to invoke the left_join
which is a based on SQL
This is a work in progress, and I may update this in the future.