Font Awesome

Font Awesome is an R package that allows you to insert an icon onto an R Markdown document. I came across this resource when I was learning how to build a curriculum vitae (CV) using pagedown, a convenient R package that allows you to build customized CV.


Make sure to install the fontawesome package in R by typing: install.packages("fontawesome").

Then load the library with fontawesome: library("fontawesome")

If you want to generate a list of icons available with fontawesome, type fa_metadata() in the Console. This will create a list of all known icons that you can use. However, this will be a very long list. An alternative way to find icons is to go to the website link. Note: Not all icons are available; you may need to wait for an update to the fontawesome package.

Let’s load the library fontawesome and add some icons to our in-line text.


Once the fontawesome package has been loaded, you can begin to add cool fonts into your R Markdown text.

For example, “I would like to discuss how education affects our responders.”

To insert the book icon, I typed the following code after education:

`r fa("fas fa-book", fill = "black")`

This will generate a black book icon. I can change the color to red by replacing black with red.

Here is the red book icon:

Another example: “My friends and I used to use Teamspeak when we played World of Warcraft. Now, we use Discord .”

I included the following code chunk into the text:

Teamspeak icon: `r fa("fas fa-teamspeak", fill = "black")`
Discord icon: `r fa("fas fa-discord", fill = "black")`

To make the icon bigger, you will need to include the height option in the code chunk:

“Here is a bigger icon (x2) for Discord

“Here is a bigger icon (x3) for Discord


This is a new discovery, and I will likely update this tutorial as I learn more. Consider this a work in progress.


Font Awesome PDF documentation

Font awesome developer site